Here, in this page you’re going to download Tecno pop 3 bb2 16+E android version 16+E firmware rom and flash fix the phone.
You need to read the information about the phone and check if it is android 10 version. There are many variant of Tecno pop 3 and the most common once is android version 8.1.0.

If you’re using Tecno pop 3 bb2 16+E with android version 10 then this particular firmware will work for you. I have tested this file in BB2 V04, V06, V14 etc and it worked, so it will work for you.
To flash Tecno Pop 3 10:-
1. Charge the battery of the phone for about 80%.
2. Get your pc or phone connected to internet for file download.
3. Ensure to get CM2 dongle ready or download SP Tool in case you don’t have cm2.
4. Download and install latest MTK Driver.
5. Go to here and download this ROM tecno pop 3 10.
You can get the password here or use comment section. Tecno pop 3 10 rom.
6. Extract the rom and also download da file.
7. Open SP Tool or CM2 and load DA File file first, load the rom by selecting android scatter file.
8. Connect Tecno pop3 through USB with or without battery.
Allow it some times to finish flashing.