Welcome everybody. Today am going to discuss new and important issues regarding the use of Laptop batteries. Depending on the work you do or how tech savvy you are there is no way you can do without laptop.
I have been using laptop for more than two years now. I have used different screen size and different makes. One thing to note here is that laptop are almost the same, the only different is battery.
Have you ever been frustrated before because of laptop battery? I have! I was going to teach on seminar, I bought a new battery on my way only to reach seminar the new battery refused to turn on my laptop. It was a bad experience and I went like you to taste it at all.
I sold my laptop at a give away price just because I couldn’t get the spec battery and I didn’t want to order it online. But nevertheless you can order any battery of your laptop on Amazon here at cheap price.
There is one thing about this article, battery seller won’t like it and those that manufacturer battery will hate it also. Sorry if the article may affect your business but am writing for my fans and my YouTube views. I promise them a practical example and that what am doing exactly.
Have you you spent some good money on battery? Use comment and tell us your experience. Where I used to buy battery, they’ve 3 types of battery for same laptop. I have bought a battery for 6k5 8k5 and 14k. Bad news is: none of the said battery served me.
I have complained to them but all I get as a reply is silly excuses. I have searched and searched no good result. I was told to stop charging after 100%, remove from light when fully charged. They told I should allow battery drains before charging. Some say I should not allow the batty to drain.
The shocking aspect is that I should put the battery in deep freezer for about 7 days. I did all this but none of them worked. I keep buying battery almost monthly. Sometimes I travel with 2 batteries. I came to conclusion that your the original battery that came with the laptop is dead from this part of the world it is only by Miracle that you get a battery.
Since they have different batteries with different price mind you your hope of buying a better battery lives at the hands of these sells girls. I bought a battery of around $40! Incredible! What can be the problem? Ask me if this battery lasted. No! So what is the next thing. Will I allow these sellers to continue pocketing my hard earn money? No and no way. I must do something as an engineer and what is that: to find away to fix a laptop battery. Yes, you heard me.
To repair a laptop battery you must follow these steps:
1. Get a digital or analogue Multiple meter- you are going to use this to read the voltage of individual batteries.
2. You must have an old battery to practice- it will be good to practice before you go on to use a working battery.
3. A working bench. A working bench is good but if you have any flat surface your are good to go. Ensue it is a place you can seat comfortably.
4. A set of screwdrivers is needed. I need this tool to disassembly the battery. The most important screwdriver is the flat head. You will use this to open the battery.
5. The other tools needed are connecting wires, soldering iron, soldering lead, soldering paste and master tape with gum.
You need to test the battery as well
Lets get down to work and fix that bad laptop battery. Open the laptop battery.Carefully detach the whole batter. Turn your MultiMeter to DCV and read individual battery.Check each battery output voltage. Check the one yo be replaced or to replace the rest.Buy battery from here .Replace the bad battery. Watch below video for details.
Do you know that a single battery of $1 you buy here can save you replacing $40 laptop battery. After I discovered this, I stop wasting money buying battery. If this post help you please take my course to get more.Thanks.
What makes laptop different apart from look and design. Some people think that portability is a factor to determine the difference between laptop but this is a fallacy.
Another person said that in order to increase laptop life span you have to shut it down always: though his understanding bit it is not true. Most users laptop have been on since they bought the laptop, I never shutdown my laptop unless it has issues. I can only hibernate and continue where I stopped when I opened it.
The essence of laptop battery is tool keep it on until I’d time for charge. The major different in laptops is the processor type: – either AMD or Intel. These chip processors determine compatibility of laptop based on usage and geographical areas.
Earlier AMD laptop chip processor types was targeted for Asia market and like cold region. AMD has issues when you’re running AVD- more about AVD check here. Some AMD laptops can’t be called lap-top because it can burn your lap when you top it on. Hahaha.
Before you buy a Notebook computer otherwise called laptop the following have to be out into consideration
- 1. Your budget or your pocket.
- 2. What are you going to use it for.
- 3. What us your geographical location.
- 4. Check the reviews and ratings of the said laptop.
- 5. What type of LCD it uses.
- 6. Check the writing descriptions
- 7. The battery strength:- you can check that here.
- 8. What is the processor made of: AMD or Intel.