How to Solve Can’t Compete this action right now in Gmail Youtube Account.

something went wrong

To protect your account we need to make sure is really you.

Verifying your identity can be done with a device or security key that has been associated with your account for a least 7 days.

Review your devices and keep you account protected in Security CheckUp

  1. login in to your youtube account
  2. Choose an activity you want to do
  3. If you see can’t complete this action right now then
  4. Make a security checkup
  5. Look for an android phone and sign in the gmail account
  6. Allow the gmail in the deivice to stay signed in for 7 days
  7. After 7 days sign in your youtube account again and continue with the activities

When you try to perform youtube activities like

  1. Change of manager.
  2. Adding another account.
  3. Associate your Youtube Account.

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