The property postid not recognized by Google for an object of type BlogPosting

The property postid not recognized by Google for an object of type BlogPosting

How to remove  postid not recognized by Google during structured data blog post testing. When you’re writing to compete for google first page, always bear in mind of post errors. This blog post errors (blog posting) can only be detected through structured data test.

The best way is to test your URL is by using Google Structure Data Tool. If your bog pass this test tool without errors like mine, then your post is rich to google snippet, first page, good for crawling

How to fix The property postid not recognized by Google for an object of type BlogPosting

1.     Login to blogger.
2.     Go to blog Theme.
3.     BackUp or download your blog Theme.
4.     Click or select Edit HTML.
5.     Press on your PC Crtl + F

Search for <meta expr:content=‘data:blog.postid’  itemprop=’postid’/>

If you found the code carefully comment it out.

How to comment a html code out 
Go to the blog edit html.
Click on the edit HTML and search for the HTML code line you want to edit.
add <!–bla bla bla–>
so lets comment blogid out to fix blogid error
Add <!–Commented Section ant the beginning of the code and End Commented Section–> at the end of the code
Add according to image above 
<!–Commented Section                             End Commented Section–>

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