How to remove image_url not recognized by Google during structured data blog post testing. When you’re writing to compete for google first page, always bear in mind of post errors. This blog post errors (blog posting) can only be detected through structured data test.
How to fix The property image_url not recognized by Google for an object of type BlogPosting
How to remove HTML code part.
Go to blog theme
Click on the edit HTML.
Press Ctrl and F.
Find the code you want to remove.
Ensure you backup your entire blog theme in case of mistake.
Look for the code you want to remove.
Remove the code and save your blog template.
Ensue your test your working blog condition otherwise reload your blog theme.
See other SDTT schema markup errors solutions
How to fix a value for the datePublished feild is required
How to fix a value for the publisher field is required
How to fix a value for the image field is required
How to fix a value for the headline is required
How to fix the dateModifield is recommended, please provide a value if available.
How to remove the headline is recommended, please provide a value if available
How to remove the image is recommended, please provide a value if available
How to fix the mainEntityOfPage is recommended, please provide a value if available
The property blogid is not recognized by google for an object of type BlogPosting solution
The property postid is not recognized by google for an object of type BlogPosting solution.