Having proper windshield caravan insurance can also save you a lot of heartache as well. These should be changed as you change your oil. Being able to see in a snowstorm is just as important as having your car start. Proper visibility is key to accident avoidance. Items you should have in the car as well to winterize it are: gloves, deicer, ice scraper, anti-freeze, windshield washer fluid (to de-ice as you drive), salt or sand, old rug for tire traction, shovel, car cover (to prevent icing) cell phone (you might need to call for help), flashlight and extra wiper blades. All of these preventative measures are easy and not expensive compared to the time and money you will spend fixing problems instead of avoiding them. Remember your first time driving in the snow. It was probably scary and thrilling all at the same time. It important to teach your teenager how to drive properly in wet, winter weather. Your youth will be on the roads with you and others and they need to know how to handle the conditions.